I hope you enjoy this site. We are just getting started here and there will be regular additions as I put this
page together. There are links to herbal sources and seed sources, and there is a link to down home advice on
Tinctures, plasters, poultices, teas, etc.; methods of preparations, concentrations, recommended doses. We're
talking all the way from pleasurable experiences to miracle cures, here. Grow or Buy Organic and Natural because
it makes you feel good about yourself and may even change or save your life. Much of what I share here, I have
found out from personal experience, but I include material untested or tried by me. These are presented as
options for you to try. There are no guarantees expressly or otherwise. If you are looking for something, I may
be able to help you find it. I am not a chemist or a Master Gardener. I know a few things out of experience that
maybe even your doctor doesn't know or care to share with you, but it is recommended that you discuss all medical
decisions with your physician. Herbal medicine can be very powerful and may cause complications in conjunction
with other herbs and medicines or conditions. I personally have experienced lower cholesterol, better
circulation, pain-free joints and better over all conditioning through simple and cheap Herbal Alternatives to
expensive Medical Treatment and even surgery. It doesn't cost much to try it out for yourself, and you stand to
save thousands of dollars on conventional Medical Treatment. Your Health Insurance probably won't cover you,
but chances are you won't need Health Insurance, either. A good program to start for practically anything that
ails you, regardless of age, sex or physical condition: Liquid
Minerals fortified with Vitamin "C", in conjunction with 500 mg MSM
and 500 mg Glucosamine three times daily with meals and one mg per pound of body weight
OPCs (from Pine Bark Extract or Grape Seed Extract).
All of these are in the category of Nutritional Supplements. You are just making sure you are feeding your body
correctly so it can heal itself, and you should experience no side effects except you will be amazed what it
will fix. I have been using these listed supplements pretty much continously for the past five years, and I
can't begin to tell you how much better I feel in many different ways.
You can find out the difference in Deadly
Night-Shade and the edible Garden HuckleBerry, which is a member of the same family. You may discover
this distinction on this website. Or you may learn to find
the edible and tasty mushroom known as The Great Morel. Or,
contrariwise, where to find the deadly
Something I got from my Brother, Chuck recently, "I remember when I was about twelve, or so, My dad and Lewie
were walking out in the woods and came upon a Red Elm tree. My dad said 'Well, look here, a Slippery Elm.
The old folks used to dig some of this out from under the bark and chew on it for gum.'
Check back on a regular basis, as this site is in the process of formation. This Section Is Placed in Here Because My Table Is Taking up Space That Blocks the View Of What Comes Immediately Following. Testing Testing Testing
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