Of Not So Trusty Steeds and Grass Crafts

Granny and Outlaw Peasant Girl continue on.

OPG is determind to win over the affections of her betrothed by completing the tasks he has left her in charge of. Refueled, the trusty steed speeds along to Sears, where the heap of unidentified metal in the back can be deposited for recycling. OPG's 55 yr old, coming down from 200 +, cutting back on coffee, rugged jogger will be so pleased to have his personal grass craft back when he returns from the war zone. He will swoop OPG up in his arms and carry her away to safety and solitude, away from all life's unpleasantness.

OPG aproaches the stone faced customer no good service desk and begins to plead her case. (OPG has not been able to find one stitch of paper work to prove she will not have to hand over her next three pay checks). To her surprise she is greeted with a frindly smile and told there is no paper work. Sears keeps the warranty in the computer under the customer's phone #. Who'd of ever thought? "I'll just take your phone # and ..... the stone face returns...." I'm sorry you screwed up as usual and your warranty expired three days ago." Here is a # you can call, but it won't do you any good. At least you won't keep bothering me, and I can get back to taking care of someone who will make me some money. Thank you for shopping at Sears. Have a good day."

OPG is planning her strategy for the # she has been given, as she walks away with her tail tucked beneath her. But trusty steed is not prepared to leave so soon and makes no effort to budge. Again and again OPG coaxes, but to no avail. Granny and she stays put, getting warmer and warmer. "Where is all this heat comming from?" It is now really ugly gray skies, no sign of any sun ray, but hot none-the-less. OPG returns to Sears to call the ever so trusty, eager to help, saintly (most of the time) skinny but getting fat (pg) daughter and makes a plea once again for her help.

Granny and OPG wait....and wait....Then one of the friendly no good service reps come out the door. "This just is not your day, your daughter just called, she can not coax her steed either! OPG calls for other help, will no one answer? With much reservation, OPG is forced to turn to the dreaded shop that has ripped her off royally in the past and fears she will not be making any brownie points with her jogger with this move. But Granny needs to be laid down and soon OPG's ward will return hungry and she needs to get home, for all her obligations await.

Granny seems to be taking it well, but OPG is afraid Granny grows weary of the BS. They wait... and wait.... OPG pulls her chair closer to the oscillating fan, hoping to catch a breeze that will return her to her days in paradise, waking to the warm gentle breeze and carefree life. The wonderful egarag returns trusty steed chariot to Granny and Outlaw Peasant Girl with a smile (or was that a smirk ) and of course a $204.00 house feed bill.

Bet you think this is going to be an unhappy ending to a boring story! "Na NA", says OPG. I called the # from sixteen lines ago and the fair haired beauty knows how to fix the computer and I have a new purchase date and can return to Sears to recycle as planned. "Three cheers. This is a beautiful day ", now all OPG needs to know from her rugged jogger guy is Sears wants to know what is wrong with this unidentified piece of junk metal I have been toting around with me?

Granny and Outlaw Peasant Girl return home through a sheet of solid down-pour and are greeted by the patiently awaiting youngest siblings with tales of the day's adventure to be told. Hugs are given and all is well and good. Tomorrow is sure to be a beautiful day!

Signed Outlaw Peasant Girl (Annod)